
Monday 10 October 2016

Anyone for a Brand New Blog Challenge?????

Oh my goodness, I have been so excited about writing this post, to tell you all about our brand new blog challenge........

I have been thinking for a while now that I wanted a new challenge in life, I love being involved with challenge blogs, so that seemed to be the way to go, but I looked and looked but couldn't really find what I wanted....I couldn't shake off the niggling little voice at the back of my mind that kept saying Make it yourself then.........Soooo, that is pretty much what I have done.  As leader of the Cutie Pie challenge, I love, love, love all things Cute and some of my favourite challenges to play along with are Christmas one's, so I set to work, and the result is.........Christmas with the Cuties.

I am delighted to be joined by Sue, who is my lovely friend and second-in-command at The Cutie Pie challenge, and we will be joined by other members of the Cutie Pie team as guests and permanent teamies

As you can see from my badge above, Christmas with the Cuties, is a monthly challenge, we have some fantastic challenges planned and are being supported by some amazing sponsors. Our first challenge kicks off on 28th November, but if you hop on over to check out our blog, we have a yummy bundle of candy up for grabs for our new followers.....we also have a DT call too!!!!

I have been itching to tell you all about this......I do hope that you'll pop in for a visit 


  1. Awe Lisa, bet you've been bursting to share the good news! I really love the idea of this Cutest Christmas Challenge and wish you every success with it. Hugs, Shona xx

  2. It's going to be fantastic!! xx

  3. Congratulations Lisa! What a fabulous idea. I wish you all the luck in the world with it :). Debra x

  4. This sounds fabulous Lisa, just popping over to take a look and add my name.


thank you for stopping by, and taking time to leave a comment, always very much appreciated, Lisa xx