
Tuesday 15 October 2019

Wedding Invitation Samples

Good morning to you my lovely blog chums!

I wanted to share something slightly different with you the beginning of this year my step daughter and her fiance announced their wedding plans and asked me to make the invitations. I hadn't done anything on this scale for ages but, caught up in the romance and excitement, how could I refuse!! Obviously we are down in Kent, and Kim and John are in Fife, Scotland, so the easiest way was to make a batch of samples that could be "interchangeable" to suit their tastes .....

And these are the samples.....

And this was what they went for!

60 Invitations, plus further 20 tailored for the evening reception, so quite a task, and I must admit, it was a relief to finish!


  1. O wow, what a honor to make the invitations for their wedding! You did a beautiful job, love all your samples. But the one they choose is very chique with the little hart. Hugs Ela

  2. Smashing invites, like the finally chosen one, thanks for sharing cheers Sue x

  3. They are all lovely samples Lisa and I bet they did lots of head scratching while making their choice!! xx


thank you for stopping by, and taking time to leave a comment, always very much appreciated, Lisa xx