
Thursday 8 October 2020

Knitting Rita!

 Hello there my lovely blog chums, so how's your week been so far? I hope you're able to find things that bring you joy and make you smile. 

I  think we would all agree, that having hobbies and pastimes has kept us sane and busy, during this time, so when I spotted that this weeks theme, at Passion for Promarkers, is hobbies/pastimes, I couldn't wait to play along. This digi reminds me so much of my Mum, and every time I colour it I find myself chuckling mischievously!

I am using Knitting Rita, from Pink Gem. I used the png version of the digi and placed it directly on top of the paper, a Nitwit download, using Serif page plus. I am using Promarkers to colour, of course, together with a few necessary blobs of glossy accents. I used a stitched scalloped edge border die and topped it with lace. I added a wee sentiment tag.

I would like to enter these challenges please:

Passion for Promarkers #563 Hobbies/Pastimes 

I ❤ Promarkers #420 a.t.g optional CAS

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit me today xx


  1. A super card. I love knitting, it's a great pastime. Thanks for joining Passion for Promarkers. Elaine

  2. Oh I love this! I've used this image before. She's just perfect for a knitter! Beautiful colouring and such a lovely clean and simple design. Thanks for sharing this with us at Passion for Promarkers!

  3. Fab card and perfect for my theme! Thanks for sharing at PFP


thank you for stopping by, and taking time to leave a comment, always very much appreciated, Lisa xx