
Sunday 2 November 2014

A Few Piccies....

Hello there, hope you're having a lovely weekend. Just a quick post now to share with you all, some of the items that I had made for the craft fair that we did yesterday. We sold a reasonable amount of our items, so there is a few pennies in the pot for some crafty spending!
 Decorated Candles

Reindeer Food (above and below)
We have done this event for quite a few years now and people come looking for us as and our Reindeer food!

 Dog and Cat Christmas Treats
 Marshmallow Snowmen

  1. Reindeer Poo!
We also had cards and various knitted items that my mother makes.
Good luck and happy selling to any of you that have events coming up


  1. These all look wonderful Lisa, enjoy spending your takings. Carol x

  2. Wow what super products. I love all the labelling. Just fabx

  3. Wow, looks like you have been busy Lisa.
    Sue x

  4. Well done Lisa I love all your goodies. Our cheerleading coach always gives the kids reindeer food at christmas I think it's a great idea. Shona xx

  5. Wow stunning Christmas goodies Ginny x

  6. What a fab selection Lisa and I'm so glad that you did well xx

  7. These look really fabulous Lisa. I am not surprised you sold a lot.
    My daughter is currently busy making items to sell at school to raise money for a charity trip to Romania next year. I am so proud of her.
    I hope you are keeping well.
    Sue xx

  8. Lovely items Lisa, glad you had a successful day :o)
    Jackie xx

  9. Well done Lisa. So glad your hard work paid off :-)

  10. Lisa I am in awe! What a lovely selection of goodies. Thank you so much for the inspiration. Judy x

  11. These all look fabulous Lisa, a wonderful selection to sell.


thank you for stopping by, and taking time to leave a comment, always very much appreciated, Lisa xx