
Friday 10 April 2015

31 Day Blog Challenge - day 10

"First Celebrity Crush"

Adam Ant.......hhmmm, least said, the better methinks, lol

Went on to have a wee fancy for John Taylor from Duran Duran, followed by Nik Kershaw, Rick Astley, Marti Pellow to name but a few. My bedroom walls were covered in posters from magazines like smash hits and look-in!


  1. Fantastic that we have John Taylor in common! My bedroom was decorated in Smash Hits posters too! x

  2. Look in and smash hits...they are a blast from the past!! Donny Osmond was my first love along with David Cassidy xx

  3. My bedroom was decorated in smash hit posters too.....Simon Le Bon mainly, but I did like John Taylor too. Sue x


thank you for stopping by, and taking time to leave a comment, always very much appreciated, Lisa xx