
Sunday 12 April 2015

31 Day Blog Challenge - day 12

"If I won the lottery"

bit of travelling, a Hyundai IX35 for my hubby, but most of all there is a house on my wishlist

Now, I pass this house every day on my way to and from work and over the last few years I have fallen more and more in love with it. At the moment it is in a pretty derelict state BUT it is oooozing with potential and with a few bob (ok, quite a few!) and a bit of manpower the house itself could be transformed into something special and there is also a decent sized garden too, which could also be great.....but not only that but alongside the property is a huge garage/warehouse/workshop type building which could be developed into a craft shop, maybe, or a really awesome work room. That's my pipedream anyway.


  1. Have you checked your numbers this morning!!? xx

  2. We all have our dreams Lisa, never mind a bit of travelling mine would be a lot of travelling :) x Susan x

  3. Great dreams Lisa, it would be a great diy project to get your teeth into. You'd never be away from your current workplace but it would be as a customer lol xx


thank you for stopping by, and taking time to leave a comment, always very much appreciated, Lisa xx