
Wednesday 15 April 2015

31 Day Blog Challenge - day 15

"Timeline of my Day"

so on an average weekday
  • 4:45am - alarm goes off
  • 5:45 - off to work
  • 6:00 - 11:00 am - work
  • 11ish - home, housework, lunch
  • 1ish - afternoon nap
  • 2ish - dog walking/Housework/Crafting time
  • 5ish - Dinner/Pointless/Wash up
  • bit of chilling in front of the TV and/or Blogging
  • 9pm - Bed
Yes, I really do have an glamorous lifestyle, lol!


  1. Oh wow that's an early start Lisa! But the flipside is you get finished nice and early too. Shona xx

  2. OMG Lisa l am not surprised you have an afternoon nap - is it light at that unearthly hour? x Hope you get a lie in this weekend x Susan x

  3. OMG Lisa l am not surprised you have an afternoon nap - is it light at that unearthly hour? x Hope you get a lie in this weekend x Susan x


thank you for stopping by, and taking time to leave a comment, always very much appreciated, Lisa xx