
Thursday 2 April 2015

31 Day Blog Challenge - day 2

20 facts about me.......

1) I will be 43 this year......(eek, almost a grown up!)
2) I am 5'2, so just a little'un.
3) I've supported Manchester United football team since I was a little girl, and have been to several matches
4) when i was a little girl, I had an imaginary friend called Heidi
5) I would love to be a contestant on the TV quiz show "Pointless"
6) my favourite perfumes are White Musk from The Body Shop for general use, and Issy Miyake for posh occasions
7) after starting of as a guest teamie, then a regular teamie, then sponsorship co-ordinator, I am now the DT lead and boss lady at The Cutie Pie challenge blog.
8) I believe in God and very much believe in the power of prayer
9) I wear size 5 shoes
10) I now work in a DIY store, as an operations assistant which involves me stock counting, price checking and all number of other stuff.  I love that I never have two days the same. I studied Travel and Tourism at college and worked as a Travel Agent before I had my family
11) I still have my very first teddy bear, his name is Phillip
12) when I was at school I took guitar lessons, but I was never very good at it and only stuck with it to get out of Biology class which I enjoyed even less
13) I have been to Wembley on a number of occasions for events as varied as U2 in concert, to Gymnastics, to WWF American Wrestling
14) I climbed a fair way up Mt Vesuvius when I was four months pregnant
15) Big Dr Who fan - David Tennant will always be THE BEST Dr in my opinion
16) I never ever managed to learn to ride a bicycle without stabilisers
17) Took me three attempts to pass my driving test
18) I met my husband when I was working for a coach holiday company - he was a driver and I was a "trolley-dolly"
19) I love favourite being, Miss Saigon
20) My work "nickname" is Lissie Lou Lou.


  1. More goss please, I am loving this!! xx

  2. Great facts Lissie Lou Lou! This is great fun! xx

  3. 20 facts on day 2, how many more facts for the remainder 29, blimey!
    Nice to know though LOL
    Enjoy yourself and keeping us amused :)


thank you for stopping by, and taking time to leave a comment, always very much appreciated, Lisa xx