
Wednesday 29 April 2015

31 Day Blog challenge - day 29

"Bucket List ideas"

Ok, so I have never actually made a Bucket List as such, but if I did it would be a bit like this
  • Go to a Music Festival (camping and the muddier the better!)
  • take a "flight" in the Emirates cable car that runs across the Thames between the Excel and the 02
  • ride in a helicopter
  • stand before the statue of Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro
  • Go on the Maid of the Mist boat through Niagra Falls
  • have a BBQ on a beach
  • be a contestant on tv game show "Pointless"
  • visit one of the "big" craft shows like the Nec for example
  • go to a Dr Who convention.....and do the whole "cos-play" thing too!
  • take a road trip around this wonderful country of ours stopping off at nice little b&b's and country inns
  • be a volunteer for an animal charity
  • Pink hair....or another equally vibrant colour
  • to have a card of mine published in a magazine
Now I've started this, I could go on......but I think this gives a pretty good account of my would-love-too's


  1. Yep...great list!! Just think WHEN you win the lottery you can do the lot!! xx

  2. Fab bucket list Lisa. Yes I'm fine just overworked and undervalued as ever lol! Can't believe you, me and Sarah were all big Mallory Towers fans must be a Cutie thing!!! Shona xx


thank you for stopping by, and taking time to leave a comment, always very much appreciated, Lisa xx