
Sunday 5 April 2015

To wish you all a Happy Easter

Hope you are all enjoying this Easter Weekend, I wish you a Happy, Peaceful and Blessed time.
Yesterday, was a funny old day here, weather wise, dull and overcast during most of the day....which put me off my pottering around the garden plan, and when it did brighten up much later in the day my hubby and I took the dogs out for an early evening stroll along the river. This did allow me, though, to get in some crafting time during the afternoon....and this is what I got up to.............

this card features:
  • James with flower from LOTV, I know I use it a lot but  never tire of inking up this gorgeous  stamp!
  • coloured with promarkers
  • Papers and wooden butterfly - recent finds in The Works
  • sentiment is my own work - Zipty do font
  • doily, ribbon and pearls from stash.
I would like to enter this into
simon says stamp wednesday challenge - Happy Birthday
dis digi designs challenge - Spring is here
chocolate, coffee and cards - use a doily
pennys challenges - anything goes

Thank you so much for visiting me today, your comments always make me smile - thank you also for the lovely comments you've been leaving on my 31day blog challenge posts....I'm having so much fun doing this!


  1. Happy Easter Lisa. this is such a pretty card, love the doily and, of course, James xx

  2. Happy Easter Lisa.
    Your card is gorgeous, I love cute James and such a pretty design.
    Sue xx

  3. This is gorgeous Lisa, love it all. Shona xx

  4. super cute Lisa and i love your guilty pleasures too - especially the singing one - lol! Hugs rachel x

  5. Lovely card Lisa! I am just bobbin by to wish you a very Happy Easter and to say thank you too for your lovely comment on my Blog. judy x

  6. so cute card
    thanks for playing with us at di's digi

  7. What a sweet image and a beautiful card :o)
    Jackie xx

  8. Gorgeous card Lisa! The image is adorable and I love the pretty papers.
    Thanks for joining us at Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge for our special 6th Birthday Challenge
    Mandy xx

  9. Great card! Thanks for sharing in Di's Digi Designs "Spring is here" challenge. Hope you can join in our latest challenge too Donna


  10. Your card is gorgeous and thank you for joining in our challenge ,good luck and hope to see you again next time
    Hugs xxx Dt Anneke and have a nice day.

  11. Beautiful card, love colours combo !!! Thanks for joining us at Chocolate, Coffee & Cards Challenges!!! I hope you get to join us again for our next challenge. Agnieszka DT


thank you for stopping by, and taking time to leave a comment, always very much appreciated, Lisa xx