
Friday 18 March 2022

Be Inspired by Birthstones, at PASSION FOR MARKERS

 Hello there my lovely blog this week has flown by in something of a blur, today's post was supposed to be here on Tuesday but life got in the way  a little, but never mind.....I'm here now! 

We have a fabulous theme at

Passion for Markers

Which Linda has set, and this is 

Inspired by Birthstones.

Our lovely sponsors are 

I had decided to plump for this super cute image from Paper Nest Dolls, which I coloured with Promarkers in shades to match this pretty paper from My Favourite Things. My Birthstone for June is Pearl. 

I do hope that you will hop on over and play along with us...we have some amazing DT cards to share too. 

I would like to enter these challenges please:
My Time to Craft Animals (cute lil' chicks)
Aud Sentiments #292 Easter or Spring 
Crafty Calendar spots/stripes or Easter 

Have a lovely weekend xx



  1. Lisa: your Easter card is certainly chipper-cheeper!! :) It's egg-citing to see your lovely colored image and the pearl accents! :) Thanks for participating in MTTC's animal theme challenge! --Becca/DT

  2. Your wonderful soft colouring and beautiful pearls, make this one gorgeous card! I love your little flowers and pretty paper.

  3. Aww. what a sweet Easter card Lisa and I love the pearly touches xx

  4. Beautiful card, such a sweet image. Thank you for joining in the Crafty Calendar Challenge this month. Good luck!
    Liz xx

  5. Cute image. Love the spring feel and colors. Thanks for sharing over at Aud Sentiments.

  6. A cute card. Thank you for sharing it with us at Aud Sentiments and look forward to seeing more of your lovely work.


thank you for stopping by, and taking time to leave a comment, always very much appreciated, Lisa xx