Cooeee, Im back, Hope you are all fine and good! We actually returned home from Scotland on Wednesday morning and, being the domestic goddess that I am (really!!) I have been up to my eyes in washing, ironing and getting the house back into a reasonable state of order - apologies for my use of offensive words here btw, So I havent had too much time for crafting or blogging.
Trying not to be a total holiday bore here, but thought I'd share a few snaps with you all.

This is travelling from Perth to Aviemore through the Cairngorms - one of my favourite drives in the world.

This is Megan and Cameron playing with my step grandson. He was 3 in May, cant believe how much he has grown up since we saw him last summer.

You're not on holiday till you've had an Ice Cream, and that includes Nippy, lol! Rizza's of Lossiemouth - your Ice Cream is awesome.

I absolutely loved Lossiemouth - lovely little town and some of the bestest doggy walks we've done! Nippy and I loved the gorgeous sandy beach.
So thats what I've been up to............looks like i've got some catching up to do on here now, lol!