
Wednesday 23 February 2011

You can tell im having a few days off......

Cos the weather has gone totally pants, in a cold, wet and miserable kinda way! Just back from a trip to town to buy Megan some new shoes for school - that kid seems to grow at a rate that exceeds my bank balance!

One little card from me today, was asked to make some get well soon cards, and this is one of them - I think there is definately a weather theme to this post, lol!

catch you all later xx


  1. It's clean,colourful, clear and to the point with a lovely little charm - what else would you need? Lovely card Lisa, despite the gloomy weather and the empty purse!Hazel x

  2. Lovely card Lisa and yes the weather is pants here too hun :o(

    hugs Vicky xx

  3. Nice card, I have something for you, pop over to my blog xx


thank you for stopping by, and taking time to leave a comment, always very much appreciated, Lisa xx